Ailyn Tanet

The Silent Songstress

A songstress whose voice could not be heard for as long as she initially resided in the Shroud, she learned instead to let her music do the speaking for her.

Found wandering the lands of the Twelveswood with no memory and the inability to speak, all she had to her name was the clothes she was wearing and a massive black horse. She has since learned the basics for living, and has found a way to live in a world that doesn't always fit into a pattern she can understand. Estimated to be about twenty-two when found and having spent a year and a half in the care of Miounne, the young woman learned quickly and began to grow.

She has found her voice, although the resulting sound is rough and lower-pitched. She is able to read Gridanian sign fluently, and has set herself to learn the variations of Limsa and Ul'Dah as well.

Ailyn's tale, told in snippets and tidbits.

Some of this will have happened in-game, some of it outside of game.


Ailyn is fairly outgoing, even if she's still a bit awkward about things, and is both curious and always looking to help others. From looking up the latest stray bit of news that interests her to randomly running around and helping to finish off a random adventurer's troublesome mark, she's never one to turn away from things.

She is considered an Abomination by the Holy See of Ishgard, as she bears an uncanny resemblance to the Fury in some of their oldest painted images. As if she's a descendant. So they are always on the lookout for her in Ishgard-controlled territories. The only safety she's found is with House Fortemps.

((More to come!))

People In Her Life:

Borus Brighthand: Her husband, he's a calm anchor for her when things get out of control, which generally happens quite a bit. He's a goofball, but he's her goofball. Harming him will get you a fast track on her shit list.

Isaux Thayme: She 'adopted' straight out of the gate shortly after meeting him. Despite their nearness of age, she is the mother figure for him, and she is quite happy in that role. She is VERY much so a Mama Bear where he's concerned. Messing with him will get you dead. Fast.

Velix Arenthal: Ailyn's Commanding Officer in the Twin Serpents out of Gridania, he guides and corrects her as needed when on Serpent missions as his apprentice. She is his 'little Serpent', and he is very patient with her.


Age: Estimated 23-24 years of age.
Height: 5'7".
Weight: 120 lbs.
Class: Bard main.
Likes: Music, good food, good friends, and relaxing.
Dislikes: Stalkers, the Heavens Ward, bad guys in general, and pink.
Place of Origin: Near Fallgourd Float, where she was found.
Current Affiliation: Gridania.

Can be hired as a Bard, feel free to track her down and ask!